In the interests of gleaning knowledge from much better arborists, I have taken the time to sit down and ask basic questions to men and women of the field who have been doing this longer than I have.
Not only do I want to learn from their mistakes, and their success, but I also want to pass the knowledge along to other arbs, and hopefully, raise the profile of some great arborists and academics who have taken the time to teach me – something they didn’t need to do, and something they no doubt expected to be less frustrating than it turned out to be. Just kidding, I’m sure they all loved my endless list of questions.
These interviews are kept purposely short for two reasons: 1.To highlight unique nuggets of information to keep them interesting and readable 2.I don’t really know what I’m doing, and am (barely) faking my way through this whole arbor-journalism thing.
Canadian Aborists
Find out how we do things in the Great White North. Dealing with invasives and managing urban forests where the trees only grow for 7 months of the year
Australian Arborists
Interested in learning about pruning palms, hiking through rainforests, and the largest flowering trees in the world? This is a great place to start learning about how crews work in 40 degree heat.